Bookmakers like FanDuel and Draftkings just want your bets. That’s their business. We want you to win against their lines. That’s OUR business.
Our super-boring math algorithms look at thousands of data points, then deliver a super-simple message about every game and line: green, yellow, or red light.
OddsR™ is very cool in many ways. But most of all, we stay calm and cool so you can get extra excited when the game starts, knowing you've taken a smart (calculated!) position.
OddsR™ calls the “who” and the “how much” in a straightforward way that can extend your betting entertainment budget. One smart play can easily pay for a year of OddsR™ insight!
Bookmakers change lines right up to game time, and that adjustment can be the difference between winning and losing. With OddsR™, you’re ready no matter what.
With the sports conversation around you growing every day, won’t it be fun to have something to say? Something interesting? Something insightful? Something smart?
Yes, but it isn't easy. Luck – also known as hunch betting – is not a good strategy. Since legal bookmakers might typically pay out about 92% of what they take in (it varies), the 8% difference is what the books win and “average” sports bettors lose on bets over time. Overcoming that bookmaker “edge” is the challenge.
Yes, by placing smarter bets – less emotion, more calculation. OddsR™ does the heavy lifting for you by analyzing massive amounts of data on past and recent events, then suggesting green-light “value plays” that have proven over time to deliver a positive return on investment (ROI) against the betting line.
You bet! Two weeks of free use, after which you can continue on a month-to-month or annual (better deal) basis. It’s $9.99 per month, or $99.99 per year, and either way, one smarter bet can pay for it all.
Wherever GooglePlay (Android) or the AppStore (iPhone) can be accessed.
Generally speaking, OddsR™ believes that the more you spread your bets around, including games or plays you really don’t know much about, the more likely you are to be affected by the reality that over time and over all bets, the bookmakers are going to show a profit (and most players are going to lose). So let us help! OddsR™ usually green-lights only a small number of plays every day to help you “stay the course” on smart betting.
You can but you’re asking for trouble. Anyone can get lucky – even you! – but expecting that to play out over the long term is unrealistic. A particular play is “red” (or “yellow”) because the outcome and/or the odds being offered by the bookmakers doesn’t make OddsR™’s threshold of mathematical “value.”
They have over the past two years of testing. However, we are required by rules and common sense to say that past performance is no guarantee of future success. We absolutely believe that OddsR™’s green “value plays” will help you do better than you might have otherwise. You always can look up the current OddsR™ ROI Meter to see how we’ve been doing.
“Prop” bets are in the category of unusual bets offered by a bookmaker that are not the standard win-spread-over/under fare. These come in many forms, from in-game player-versus-player performance to next-play guesses to really absurd things like the length of the national anthem.
Props are designed to look like “fun” but the invisible truth is that you’re often being offered lousy odds on either side of a prop. It’s a high-margin product for the bookmakers that they hope will attract your attention without you thinking it through very much. Most importantly, props are offered in a way that makes smart in-depth analysis (like OddsR™ provides) virtually impossible. We stay away, and you probably should too.
OddsR™ currently focuses on the popular betting categories of Spread (get or give points added to the final score), Win / Money Line (just win the game, match or tournament) and Over / Under (total score of the event). We believe these offer the most opportunities to win consistently.
At OddsR™, we believe we all owe ourselves, our families, and friends a commitment to bet responsibly. That can mean playing within a sensible entertainment budget, and it can also mean playing smart. At OddsR™ we’re committed to making your sports betting budget last while giving you the best chance to play smart and win.
Roi is your guide and conscience through the world of sports betting, available daily on the app to offer observations and insights on how to play smarter. Roi channels the Roman philosopher Seneca, who defined luck as the point where preparation meets opportunity.
OddsR™’s “Watching” collects in one place any teams you’ve tagged as favorites, or any game(s) you want to follow, today, or in coming days. So you’re always just one tap away from the action you want to follow first.
The green value plays you see are based on the latest consensus odds offered by the bookmakers. The odds a specific (your) bookmaker is offering may differ. At any point that you’re seeing different odds, or a change in odds, you can tap the scale logo, “dial” the price you’re seeing into LineMaster™ and get an instant read on whether it’s still green (or yellow, or red). You can also see what odds are needed to move a play “into the green.”